Was Jesus born on December 25th??

               Was Jesus born on Dec.‭ ‬25th

Did you know that‭ ‬the original Roman birth census,‭ ‬documented that a child named Jesus was born on the‭ ‬25th of December AD 0

The date eventually became the officially recognized date for Christians as Jesus's  birthday for the Christian world.

The truth is we simply don’t know the exact date of our Savior’s birth.

What is important is the‭  ‬FACT‭ ‬that He‭ ‬was born,‭ ‬He came into the world to Atone for our sins,‭ ‬that He was crucified, buried and ‬resurrected on the third day to eternal life,‭ ‬and that He’s alive ‬in Heaven today‭ (‬Rom.‭ ‬8:34‭)‬ and will dwell in us‭ (11‭ ‬Cor.‭ ‬6:16c-e‭&1 Cor. 6:19)‬.‭ ‬ if we‭ ‬ admit that we are sinners‭ ‬, ‬accept that Atonement‭ ‬and‭ ‬confess Him as ‬the Lord of our life. ‬Upon this being done He has promised that we will receive Eternal Life.‭ (‬Rom.‭ ‬10:9-10‭ ; ‬Jn.‭ ‬1:12 &‬10:28‭)

Researched and compiled By;
Rev.‭ ‬George Pryor M.Th.

‭ ‬Pastor Emeritus.



Updated 12/25 /03

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