Jobs I problem

During Job’s lifetime hew was the Richest man in the known world

Job’s I problem was The single letter word I it is found over 230 times in the book of Job. The majority of those are stated by him in mentioning something that He has done good and noble for others. God referred to Job as a perfect and upright man but he had one big problem and it was Self Righteousness. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for this very thing and said that they already had their reward. Paul followed up by saying that we should not think of ourselves more highly than we aught to (Rom.12:3). Self Righteousness makes a person look good in their own eyes and in the eyes of mankind if it is true but it is one of thefew things that God says He hates and will not tolerate. (Psalms 101:5, Prov.6:16-19).

‘and Proverbs 21:4 says this is sin , and I quote it here; “An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.” Good God fearing Christians can easily be drawn into this lure of Satan and not realize that they are not pleasing God with this attitude and it’s subsequent expression in the little harmless sounding word, I. Self righteousness sounds good to you but is detestable to the ears of God. That is what got Lucifer kicked out of heaven. his inflated ego and its focus on self are not in keeping with the Christians call to humility. Jesus said that what you do for others should be done in secret and not broadcast it. Job was so self righteous that he angered his friends (Ch. 32:1-2) God said that Job was perfect not because he was sinless but because he feared God and hated evil. If he was sinless this would be a bible contradiction and we know this can not be. See (1 Jn. 1:8 and thank God for verse 9 Job was a righteous man that feared God and was able to withstand the cruelest most vicious attack of Satan and emerge VICTORIOUS. That life style is available to every Christian today that will make a total commitment to God. When you make that commitment prepare yourself for the onslaught of Satan because he is determined to kill and destroy you. (Jn. 10:10a). However you can be assured that you can. enjoy the b part of the same verse. Job’s patient endurance came from his commitment to the giver and sustainer of life. A good goal for every Christian would be to strive for the perfectness of Job without his I problem. I is classified as the least important word in the English language but it sure gets a lot of usage and sadly to say that a lot of that usage is from professing Christians.

Rev. George Pryor M. Th. Pastor Emeritus